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Baby Teeth

If your child’s baby teeth are starting to erupt and seem to be bothering her, you can

  • Rub her gums with your finger
  • Rub her gums with the back of a small chilled spoon

If the pain persists, your dentist, pharmacist or doctor may recommend an over-the-counter medicine to ease the pain.


  • DO NOT use pain medication that you rub on your child’s gums; she could swallow it.
  • DO NOT give her teething cookies. They may contain added or hidden sugar.
  • DO NOT underestimate a fever. The eruption of new teeth DOES NOT make babies ill or give them a fever. If your child’s body temperature is going up and down, consult your doctor.

All 20 baby teeth will appear by the time your child is two or three years old.

7606 Village Centre Place
Suite 1
Greely, on
613 821-1257
3192 logan farm dr.
osgoode, on
613 826-1638